Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So this weekend some of my classmates and I went to San Francisco to do some research on board track racing for a new assignment in our class. One of my 'mates knew about this bar that had tons of old bikes in it, so we decided to check it out. The bar was really cool, but the owner of the restaurant and the bike collection was a blob-like, soft-spoken man attached to a defibrillator who apparently was into, "homosexual sex" as he so casually told us. The man was quite rude and it seemed like the waitresses were doing their best to keep him under control while doing their jobs at the same time.

What's funny is that the man appeared to not even know
what the waitress' names were. He would just cough out, "waitress!" when he wanted something from them. Well it made the trip interesting, and we got some great pictures in there.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Post # one

I have to start a blog because I'm an english class that requires it. It's kind of interesting though because the teacher says we can write about anything we want, but then says that whatever we write must be professional and for a particular audience. I was thinking about that and I felt like I wouldn't write whatever I wanted if I thought there was a specific audience reading my posts. I wouldn't want to be honest and tell people how I often over think things...

So I guess I don't really care if people know that about me because lately I've been feeling like I haven't been genuine with anything that I do, so maybe now is a good time to start. I'm not going to write with an audience in mind because I'm not writing for anyone but myself. Heh heh, sometimes I feel like while I'm writing and getting into the heat of things I forget that people are going to be reading these and just start talking to myself. Then again it's not like pointing out that I'm doing it makes it go away. Oh well, it's not like my teacher's going to punish me for breaking rules on my personal blog. in fact HAYAH! i didn't capitalize the beginning of the last two sentences in this post.